About little me...
About The Awful Author

Personal Information
Name: Tim Gawthorpe.
Date of birth: 7th February 1980.
Height: 6"1' (approx).
Location: Stafford, England.
Email: [email protected]
Marital status: Single.
Nationality: English.
IRC nick: Eddie_the_`ead on DALnet, Wookie elsewhere.
I always look like shit - sorry, this.
Now, you've clicked on a link that said would lead you to personal information.
Well, here it is.
By the way, don't read on if you <deep breath>:
are offended by strong language, have no sense of humour, have foot and mouth disease, listen to 'boy bands' or 'girl bands', have dirty fingernails, think that Windows 9x is uncrashable, don't know that Elvis is dead, don't watch the
Simpsons, think that homosexuality is dirty, are a supporter of the National Front, are a supporter of the National Back, are a supporter of the National Back To Front, take vitamin supplements, have less than the usual number of fingers, have more than the usual number of fingers or are a supporter of Manchester United. <Pant.>
Still here? Good.
I'm a Computing Science student at the University of Staffordshire (formerly North Staffordshire Polytechnic). During term time, I live in a University Accommodation flat (which is regularly searched by the University to make sure I am not doing anything illegal. Lord Byron, anyone?) and during the holidays, I live in the family home in Stroud, Gloucestershire.
Before coming to university, I had lived in Stroud all my life. I sometimes think that there is no place (at least in Britain, and possibly on the planet) as boring as Stroud for a young man to grow up, and I urge those of you that are there to get out and go to University as soon as possible. American tourists fall in love with the place and the surrounding area, because everything there is so old. (Some of it dates back to the Romans.) Normal people realise that the reason all the buildings are old is because nobody can be bothered to pull them down and start again. And if that was done, all the daft American
sods would stop coming and Stroud would be driven even further into the ground. (OK, the rant's over - those that stopped reading to avoid the dirty language can come back now.)
I was educated from the ages of 11-18 at Marling School, Stroud. There is a theory that this was also where actor/comedian Tim McInnerny (of Blackadder fame) was educated - on the scholarship board, a T. L. McInnerny won a scholarship to Oxford in 1974. Maybe, just maybe...
After that, I did Psychology and Communication Studies A levels at Stroud College, before coming to university.
I have an older sister working in Russia, teaching English to little kiddies.
(She got a first class degree in Russian from Leeds - not the Metropolitan,
mind, the proper uni - and she now lives in Moscow). My mother still lives in my native Gloucestershire where she works in a hospital, and my father died in 1985.
Hobbies include computers, playing (or playing at) guitar (with or without Torture Rack), and reading lots of books on lots of subjects. I listen to various types of music, mostly New Wave Of British Heavy Metal (generally Iron Maiden), 80s pop, 60s rock, Glam rock, Queen and occasionally Marilyn Manson and other '90s metal.
If you want to contact me (God knows why, but you might), the details are:
Email: [email protected]
IRC: Connect to DALnet and look for Eddie_the_`ead.
Snail mail: Contact me elseway first and I'll give you the address if I want you to have it.
Telephone: Ha ha ha!! No.
ICQ or any other shitty little Instant Messaging system: Go away.
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